Blockchain: 7 Reasons Why EOS Works For IoT

We’re all about IoT and how we can leverage a secure, global, decentralized and distributed ledger to enable new and alternative IoT solutions. We’ve searched the world over for the best blockchain/DLT to help us make a difference — now — and we’re happy to share with you why we think EOS works for us, and may work for you.

  1. EOS offers fast transaction times: IoT data appears on-chain within 2 seconds typical.
  2. EOS has no transaction fees. The blockchain resources are purchased up-front and one-time only. The IoT device can then transact within allocated resources without incurring additional fees.
  3. EOS transactions are efficiently packed binary structures minimizing bandwidth requirements.
  4. EOS uses the same globally recognized and hardened security standard as other big-name blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum.
  5. EOS offers an easy to use RPC API via simple HTTP POST calls. The state of the blockchain can be observed with nothing more than curl.
  6. EOS provides an easy to use Javascript library common to both web and PC-based client development.
  7. EOS offers an easy to use command-line client tool called cleos. For those of us that grew up with command lines, that means a lot. Any blockchain operation can be performed with this tool.

Honorable mention: EOS has such a fantastic, vibrant and positive user and development community.

With this list in mind, the question becomes what are the applications?  Over-the-air firmware update campaigns driven by blockchain?  Secure data transactions? Proof of time, location and sensor readings?  Tokenization of data?  Yes to all, and this is just the start.

Check out the RFID Scanner for Blockchain project we completed in collaboration with EOSIoT and THIS. IS. IoT. showing a use case for IoT and blockchain. 

This project leverages Node.js and open-source libraries to quickly pull together a solution to control an MFRC522 RFID scanner IC and send the tag data to the EOS blockchain. 

Because this was built on a Raspberry Pi, we are able to offer our customers a way to quickly evaluate how this IoT and blockchain solution can solve their problem or open up new applications using easy-to-deploy off-the-shelf hardware and open-source software.  

We are looking at building an industrialized firmware core that is able to perform the same function as this demonstration on an ARM Cortex-M MCU for less cost, size and energy.  Hand-held RFID, Bluetooth and optical tag scanners for blockchain will be feasible.


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